
Universal low voltage solar electricity at low cost

Surjokarmaa's vision is to develop a technological base, largely indigenous, to make offgrid, stan-dalone, low-voltage, solar energy available to our fellow citizens in India, especially those of us who have little or sporadic access to grid electricity. We envision a future where man-made pollution has been cut down substantially through the effort of ordinary Indians, who make the fullest use of Na-ture's bounty : sunlight - the source of all energy on this planet. Our predecessors who authored the Vedas realized the importance of the sun - just consider the RgVeda hymns dedicated to the sun. Now, with modern technology, the time has come to shift fully to this perennial source of freely available energy which renews, cleanses and nourishes Mother Earth and her inhabitants.

So far, this objective has been approached at Surjokarmaa in a number of ways :

  • Design and fabrication of inexpensive solar-powered nerve-stimulators, pulse-beat monitors, saline-dispenser alarm systems and other medical devices for use in rural primary health-care centres.
  • Design and fabrication of low voltage LED lighting systems.
  • Design and fabrication of low voltage DC Table fans with and without blades.
  • Design and fabrication of charger systems for batteries, mobile phones and laptops.
  • Design and fabrication of solar-powered, completely non-toxic, mosquito-control systems.
  • Design and fabrication of solar-powered, completely non-toxic, snake-repellant systems.
  • Design and fabrication of solar-powered transport system prototypes for rail, road and water transport.
  • Public dissemination of information about standalone, inexpensive, hazard-free, low voltage solar electricity on a large scale, directed especially to student groups in schools and colleges throughout West Bengal.
  • Providing basic training to local youth in suburban and rural areas, regarding solar panels and their application for running low voltage solar devices.
  • Exploring the possibility of small local start-ups dealing in low voltage solar equipment as a part of the local economy, where the trained youth can nd employment and/or direct ownership on sharing basis.
  • Collaboration with educational and research organizations with overlapping interests towards upscaling transport system prototypes to full scale models which can become viable.
  • Collaboration with solar research units for realization and upgradation of medical and other Surjokarmaa prototypes towards possible economical viability.
  • We envisage our entire solar effort, in terms of research and dissemination, as a part of the worldwide Creative Commons, not ignoring issues of economic effciency.

Fully functional prototype devices for many of the items listed above have been fabricated in-house at Surjokarmaa on individual basis. We are looking to further future development of these device systems towards viable models through collaboration with research organizations engaged in design and fabrication of solar electricity devices of the low voltage variety.